Can’t go to the office? I’ll work in the car

From U-turns to three point turns … look what allthis indecision has driven us to.

With the latest government change of heart on working from home, office workers are being encouraged once again to shun their commute and offices in favour of the safety of the kitchen table.

But while working from home has become the norm for millions, many are still putting up with unsuitable working environments that means they seek out different locations for those important work calls or meetings.

Comparative research undertaken before and after the Spring lockdown has shed new light on the changing nature of how the nation relies on their motors for more than travel and commuting.

One in 10 admit they regularly work from the car, as a place of quiet solitude where they can get work done better than inside the four walls of their home.

The lack of space and privacy is a key reason for those wanting to escape to their cars with:

  • 23 per cent nipping into their car to talk to clients or to catch up with colleagues
  • 22 per cent use the car as a place to plan the day ahead
  • 20 per cent find the solitude of their car perfect for laptop work

What’s more. one in five say they use the car for personal space, according to the survey from the online car marketplace, heycar.

The rise from before the pandemic to now is most notable among 17-24 year old workers with one in five now frequently working from the car, a rise of 25 per cent on earlier in the year. Men in this age group are also twice as likely to do it.

The research also revealed the important social role cars play in our lives, with 13 per cent saying they use them to have private conversations, while 12 per cent use their vehicles to ring relatives.

heycar CEO Mat Moakes said: “The pandemic has changed every aspect of our lives dramatically – including how we use our cars.

“We no longer just see our vehicles as a means of getting us from A to B. Now they are offices, sanctuaries, a place for some much needed ‘me’ time.”