Ten ways to run a healing business and still support yourself

If you run a small business as a healer, therapist or coach the chances are you’re probably in the lower range of earners.

Although it’s true that you’re unlikely to make millions – you can create an income from doing the work you love.

I’ve been running a small business as a healer for over twenty years. Here are some tips to help you do the same:

Don’t necessarily give up your day job!

If you enjoy your current work, use this to bring in an income and do your healing part-time.One of my clients was in investment banking and decided she’d rather be a yoga teacher. After two years of poverty she went back to banking; her yoga is now a hobby. She is happy and making money.

Value yourself

Traditionally healers are expected to share their “gift” free of charge – but this is unrealistic (and unfair) in the modern world. If you have a problem setting the rate, ask a friend to set it for you. Remember you can always give concessions if needed.

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Combine your skills and make your own brand

You have a unique combination of skills, talents and experiences.These are your assets; incorporate them into your work. One friend is now combining her acting skills with her past life therapy and doing a one-woman show that uses both. I use writing to pass on my spiritual experiences in fiction as well as non-fiction books.This way you can add value and stand out from other therapists.

Use Stealth

Get training in one or more therapies, for example, massage or reflexology and do your healing through the therapy. You will reach and help more people that way.

Write a book

Write about your experiences and share your knowledge. Develop products that support your work as this will also help your income stream.

Advertising and Marketing

Don’t bother with paid advertising; personal recommendation is best. Create YouTube videos to share your skills. You will benefit people and you’ll be advertising yourself at the same time. Use social media to share your energies.

Organise your own group

Run a regular meditation or healing group. People can use this to “put their toe into the water”, they can meet you and get to know you before committing to a session.

Don’t let it be a burden

Be happy and free of the burden of duty; do not attach yourself to outcomes. Remember your client is his/her own healer and you’re offering the energy and your care and understanding to help them.

Be grounded and be yourself

Make sure that you are grounded in reality. Be kind to yourself; don’t feel you have to deprive yourself of the joys of living and the fun of life.

Love what you do!

If your heart closes, then it’s time to find another occupation. It’s essential that you are happy within yourself and at ease with your work if you are going to be successful and attract clients.

Finally, enjoy it! It’s the best feeling in the world when you can help someone feel better about themselves!

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