Businesses struggle to keep up with speed of digital change

T decision makers in the UK are struggling to keep up with the increased digital demands placed upon them by employees and business leaders according to research from Sungard Availability Services which found that there has been a huge drive to adopt new and emerging technologies.

The research highlighted how high expectations are when it comes to this digital push, with 79% of UK IT departments stating that digital adoption is critical in remaining competitive within their industry. UK employees are also demanding more digital technologies, claiming it makes their jobs easier (63%), and enables them to develop new skills (59%).

However, expectations are not living up to reality. Despite over half (55%) of UK workers believing that their IT team is critical in delivering this digital drive, nearly a third (32%) are concerned that their organisation is falling behind their rivals.

Consequently, IT decision makers in the UK are beginning to feel the heat: 47% believe the speed of digital transformation is not meeting office workers’ expectations while 50% feel they are behind on management demands.

SME Publications/ SME XPO 2024